Galentine’s Day! Chocolates, Cupcakes, Cake Pops, and Truffles
Adults only. Teens 16 and older welcome but must purchase an adult ticket. Are you looking for a fun Galentine's Day with your favorite ladies or simply want to up […]
Adults only. Teens 16 and older welcome but must purchase an adult ticket. Are you looking for a fun Galentine's Day with your favorite ladies or simply want to up […]
Sold Out! This ticket is sold as a 2-person ticket! If you over purchase tickets for this event we will not refund your money. Please be sure to get just […]
This class is appropriate for ages 10 and up. Cake pops are all the rage right now. Pinterest is full of examples of cake pops that look like they were […]
Almost sold out! Age 21 and up only please. This ticket is sold as a ticket for TWO persons to attend together. If you over purchase tickets for this class […]
SOLD OUT! One of our best classes and one of our most popular! Ages 10 and up or anyone who just loves sushi! If you love sushi as much as […]
*This class contains nuts and tons of gluten in the recipes. Making bread from scratch is a unique experience. What you purchase at the supermarket is nothing compared to real […]
SOLD OUT! Age 21 and older only please. What a perfect day to cook Mexican Cuisine! Everyone has been to a Mexican Restaurant before, and probably had a great meal! […]
Sold Out! Do you love spicy food? Cooking with flames? Hot Sauce? Spicy Peppers? Danger?? Then we've got a class containing all of your favorite things! Well, maybe not danger. […]
Whether you are making this choice because you have to or because you want to, we have the answers! This class explores how to be healthy while choosing a gluten […]
Appropriate for ages 7 and up!!! In classic French bakeries (and many modern ones) you can always find fluffy, crisp pastries filled and topped with sweet and delicious flavors. If […]